Thursday, March 14, 2019

Final Reflection

I recorded my final reflection on Flipgrid (because I lover flipgrid and I'm obsessed).

Here's my flipgrid:  flipgrid

Flip Code: d1f58933

Here are some thoughts, in addition to my flipgrid.

I love blogging.  Thank you for this, I'm going to really blog, outside of cool tools (like everybody else in the world). 

I loved the pacing of Cool Tools, especially that it was over my February break, that made completing all the tasks easier.

I liked that I got to choose the tools that interested me.

I loved Google Draw, that is something I'm going to revisit.

While I thought blogging with my second graders would be fun, I think I'm going to need some older student help with this.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Loved watching your video. Wish everyone would do that. It's so nice to see faces and hear voices. :) Thanks for all the work you did!
